History Of Flukar Company


The beginnings of the company date back to the late 1990s; as a limited liability company it has operated since June 2011.

The company belongs to a capital group which took over part of the LOTOS OIL company set up within the former territory of the Jasło Refinery. The company’s main activity is the production and sale of lubricants, operating fluids and solvents.

At present, Flukar is implementing the research project entitled “Pro-ecological technology for recovery and development of hydrocarbon streams from selected waste groups”, related to the area covered by the application and financed under OP IE 1.4.”Support for goal-oriented projects.” The project objective is to develop an innovative, at the international level, and pro-ecological technology (EkoTeCh), allowing the selective development of hydrocarbon streams derived from waste and by using them in new products. The company is also preparing to participate in future undertakings and research projects, including those co-financed by the EU funds.

For the past two years FLUKAR has been dealing with the subject of bituminous emulsions enriched with nanoparticles as promising product-market. During that time, the company undertook a series of preparatory works to participate in the Life Emu New program.

Flukar has full institutional capacity to execute all project scheduled tasks and its own technical and human resources guarantee the proper implementation of all research works and achievement of desired objectives.
