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Big opening in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. Polish company launches an innovative installation
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  • Big opening . Flukar . innovative installation . Life Emu New . Polish company .

On 21 November this year, on the terrain of "Blachownia" in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, the Polish company FLUKAR inaugurated the operation of a pro-ecological pilot installation for the production of modified bitumen emulsions. The installation was built as part of the company's LIFE EMU NEW project, co-financed by the European Commission within the LIFE Programme and by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The opening of the installation was preceded by a conference devoted to the investment. In his…

Debate during the 7th edition of the Polish Entrepreneurship Congress
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  • company . Debate . ecological . Flukar . Life Emu New . Polish Entrepreneurship Congress . technology developed .

Debate during the 7th edition of the Polish Entrepreneurship Congress The 7th edition of the Polish Entrepreneurship Congress whose substantive partner was, among others, FLUKAR, was held in Olsztyn on 24-25 October 2019. The Deputy Technical Project Coordinator took an active part in the discussion panel entitled Green Technologies and the Environment. The following issues were discussed: 1. Is Polish local government green? 2. Strategies for waste reduction. 3. Technology at the service of the environment. 4. Illegal waste management.…

Flukar Rafinery Invitation Kedzierzyn Kozle 2019
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  • Flukar Sp. z o.o. . Invitation . Kędzierzyn Koźle . Life Emu New . Pro-ecological pilot installation .

Invitation Is pleased to invite you to the summary conference combined with the official opening of the demonstration installation under the project entitled Pro-ecological pilot installation for the production of asphalt emulsions modified with nanostructures from waste polymers. The conference will be held on November 21, 2019 at 10.30 in Zakład Flukar Sp. z o. o. in Kędzierzyn Koźle at ul. Szkolna 15 - in hall L (place of installation of the LIFE EMU NEW system). Immediately after the Conference,…

Integrated projects and Natura 2000 – large scale solutions for Europe
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  • Life Emu New . LIFE Programme . Natura 2000 .

Integrated projects and Natura 2000 – large scale solutions for Europe Natura 2000 is a transnational network of sites for threatened species and habitats which covers almost a fifth of the EU’s landmass and seas. At such scale, it needs to be managed at national level. Large integrated projects from LIFE are powerful tools to deliver the necessary funding and coordination. LIFE integrated projects enable national and regional authorities to use many types of EU funding to deliver climate, nature…

EU Programmes for your circular ideas
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  • Ecomondo . EU Programmes . European Commission . Life Emu New . the Key Energy Expo .

EU Programmes for your circular ideas Once again the European Commission will take part in Ecomondo, the annual trade fair for the green and circular economy. The expo will take place in Rimini, Italy from 5 to 8 November 2019. It will bring together all sectors of the circular economy, from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. EASME – the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – will show how EU funding helps to design a…

Innovative environmentally friendly products
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Innovative environmentally friendly products Almost all industrial sectors in the member states of the European Union are encouraged to limit the negative impact on the environment and to implement pro-ecological activities. Taking into account the mass production scale of large enterprises, such actions can almost immediately bring measurable positive effects.The road construction industry is no exception and also has great potential to implement this type of activity. On 1 August 2015, the Polish company FLUKAR Sp. z o. o. began…

LIFE EMU NEW International Debate in France
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  • Auxerre . Flukar . International Debate in France . Life Emu New . MOUVEX .

LIFE EMU NEW International Debate in France On March 19, 2019, at MOUVEX in Auxerre, an international debate was held devoted to the issues related to the implementation of the project entitled “A pro-ecological pilot plant for the production of bitumen emulsions modified with waste polymer nanostructures (LIFE EMU NEW). The debate was attended by: 1.On behalf of Flukar Sp. z o.o.: Dariusz Żłobiński, Technological Process Specialist Jarosław Wiertel, Mechanical Structures  Specialist Artur Praisnar, Head of the Production Plant in…

History of LIFE
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  • History of LIFE . Life Emu New .

History of LIFE The LIFE programme began in 1992 and has to date co-financed more than 4,600 projects. Until 2013, LIFE had contributed approximately €3.1 billion to the protection of the environment. During the current 2014-2020 funding period the programme will contribute approximately €3.4 billion more. Before LIFE Background During the late 1980s, public consciousness about environmental threats grew rapidly. Large scale environmental disasters such as the Chernobyl catastrophe focused attention on the need for higher levels of environmental protection.…

Traditional projects. Climate change mitigation
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Traditional projects. Climate change mitigation The LIFE programme is divided in two sub-programmes, one for environment (representing 75% of the overall financial envelope) and one for climate change (representing 25% of the envelope). The climate action sub-programme supports projects in the areas of renewable energies, energy efficiency, farming, land use, and peatland management. It provides action grants for best practice, pilot and demonstration projects that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the implementation and development of EU policy…

On 26 February 2019, at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (Higher Institute of Engineering in Porto) an international debate was held devoted to issues related to the implementation of the Project entitled “Proecological pilot plant for the production of bitumen emulsions modified with waste polymer nanostructures (LIFE EMU NEW). The following persons participated in the debate on behalf of Flukar Sp. z o.o.: 1. Grzegorz Nieradka, Deputy Technical Project Coordinator 2. Dariusz Żłobiński, Technological Process Specialist 3. Małgorzata…